Thursday, June 09, 2005

What's The Word? Jo . . .

I lay these with the runes of time,
storied reasons culled in rhyme;
ruins cracked on rocky shores,
words laid to rest on ocean floors;
Sharp shards of husks and shattered skulls,
hard shells bored by beaks of gulls;
seas erode the sands of odes,
like sleuths unfolding secret codes;
Words mine all Mystery till she gives
the secret space where Beauty lives.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Song Remains The Same

Buddha Kisses
The voices of your kisses
swell my lips with
haunt them,
speak all over them,
again and
they are piled up in rows like
chanting schools of monks
convened before a
golden buddha sitting
neither pleased nor displeased
very much at ease with what he hears.
Suddenly one of them breaks into