Thursday, June 09, 2005

What's The Word? Jo . . .

I lay these with the runes of time,
storied reasons culled in rhyme;
ruins cracked on rocky shores,
words laid to rest on ocean floors;
Sharp shards of husks and shattered skulls,
hard shells bored by beaks of gulls;
seas erode the sands of odes,
like sleuths unfolding secret codes;
Words mine all Mystery till she gives
the secret space where Beauty lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings -

Thank you for visiting and posting your note. A blogroll is a list of links to other weblogs (and websites) on the sidebar of a weblog. The Shamanic Ways blogroll is one of the places we are keeping our lists of shamanic websites and weblogs, besides blogging about them...

Daily practice is (back) on the sidebar now at Shamanic Ways. We switched to using instead of coding the links by hand - and somehow you were shifted off the list - I know you were on there at one time. Usually if we blog about a shamanic weblog at Shamanic Ways, we add it to the sidebar.

I am consider your blogging to be shamanic, since the poetry comes from and conducts Spirit and the Spirits, and bridges and shifts self and reality. Several of us learn a lot from linking, experiencing, and reading shamanic weblogs and websites. Linking has become a big part of our shared practice way. We have started other link lists, too - and we link to them at the weblog or the website. This project is shifting and evolving, too...

It was great to hear from you. This was the only way I could find to reply right away.

~ Shamantic!